
Test Engineering Is Software Engineering!

Sukrutha hosts Girl Geek Dinners in the Bay Area for fun in her spare time. She is also a Mentor at Hackbright Academy. She has 5 years of work experience as a software engineer at Citrix, and lives in San Francisco’s sunny Mission district. Hear her story on Hackbright Academy about being a software engineer. In fact, test engineering is software engineering!
Sukrutha Raman Bhadouria
Senior Software Test Engineer, Citrix
Sukrutha hosts Girl Geek Dinners in the Bay Area for fun in her spare time. She is also a Mentor at Hackbright Academy. She has 5 years of work experience as a software engineer at Citrix, and lives in San Francisco’s sunny Mission district.

Getting Started

When I was a little girl and my father bought Macintosh’s Newton, I got interested in technology. As I started working, I did continually change my mind about whether or not I wanted to continue working in technology. Looking back, tech seemed so hard and complex it seemed – and there were no women role models to look up to.

After college, I applied to Citrix at an on-campus USC job fair, and then I was called in to interview. I can’t say I always wanted this role because I studied to be an electrical engineer and slowly started moving toward the software side! It’s worked really well for me so far to take one step at a time, and for now I have more short-term goals like learning new technologies and getting better at the work I do. Ultimately I’d love to be CTO or CEO of a tech company that makes consumer products.

My favorite part of my job as a software engineer in test is that I’m the first customer, and it allows me to come up with creative use cases for the product I am testing. I use build tools like Maven and Ant to run my automation tests. Web-based testing requires knowledge of HTML, CSS, Javascript, JQuery, etc so you know how to write test commands to interact with a mock or headless browser. Selenium requires the tests to be written in a programming language, and we [at Citrix] picked Java.

Depending on what type of product you are testing, and what component you are testing, there are a variety of tools for test automation. For example, I use JMeter for Load Testing, and Canoo Webtest and Selenium Webdriver for Web-based testing.

This is the best time to be a woman in tech, there are so many support groups and many more role models now than ever before.


Advice for New Engineers

Whenever you learn a new coding language/technology, find a project to work on so you can actually put it to use. Ask a lot of questions – no question is dumb.


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