Silicon Chef is a hardware hackathon this October 5-6 in San Francisco for humans who identify as female. Your team will be given a box of parts and a microcontroller. It’s up to your team to come up with an innovative solution to a problem in the world using hardware hacks, blinky lights, legos and sensors. This hardware hackathon is organized by Hackbright Academy.
Details and sign up for free to hack here:
Do you supply the hardware? What exactly?
Yes, we will be supplying the hardware. Each box is guaranteed to have an Arduino. It is recommended that you bring a laptop and your enthusiasm.
Keeping in the spirit of a certain popular Japanese cooking show from the 2000’s we will still have a SECRET INGREDIENT! =cue fog machine= Your team must use the secret ingredient in your project!
Here are the sensors and parts that each box will contain so that you all have an easier time planning:
• Arduino and Breadboard Holder • Guidebook • Bread Board • Carrying Case • 16×2 White on Black LCD (with headers) • 74HC595 Shift Register • 2N2222 Transistors • 1N4148 Diodes • SPDT 5V Relay • TMP36 Temp Sensor • Flex sensor |
• Softpot • 6′ USB Cable • Jumper Wires • Photocell • Tri-color LED • LEDs of many colors • 10K Trimpot • Piezo Buzzer • Big 12mm Buttons • 330 and 10K Resistors |
Who are the mentors? What are their core competencies?
Our mentors include people with varied backgrounds with hardware. We have in the mix roboticists, mechanical engineers and self-taught hardware hackers.
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