
Industry Updates On Programming Languages TGIF

TGIF! This week, we caught up with industry updates on programming languages, bootcamps, and diversity and inclusion in hiring and interviewing.

Check back at the end of each week for our Friday finds.

Here’s what we’re reading – January 19, 2018

  • Read: Why you need a bootcamp grad by Joe Vacca for IDG Connect. A great opinion piece on how hiring candidates from diverse and varied backgrounds can positively impact an organization.
  • Read: Top Programming Languages That Largest Companies Are Hiring Developers For in 2018 by Ardash Verma for Fossbytes. Great visual representation of the most in-demand programming languages for the Top 25 Fortune 500 companies. Bonus: we teach two of the top five here at Hackbright!
  • Read: 7 Insider Tips for Junior Developers Seeking to Conquer a Job Interview by Times of San Diego. Sometimes the tired-and-true advice is the best. Tips 1, 4, and 6 especially for those new to the engineering space looking to break through and stand out.
  • Listen: CTRL+T: Diversity and its discontents by Megan Rose Dickey for TechCrunch. Hear how different tech companies share and frame their data on pay parity, diversity, and more. Plus thought-provoking insights on how underrepresented groups are being limited or empowered in STEM.
  • Read: 5 Ways Women in Tech Can Take Action in 2018 by Rana el Kaliouby for Inc. The start of 2018 has been nothing but full of opportunities for women in all industries in all positions to have a voice. To aid the continued conversation and empower women in tech specifically, this piece gives 5 actionable suggestions for women in tech to keep pushing for equality and action.
  • Read: 21 jobs that are growing due to these 7 trends by Rachel Nauen. The tech space isn’t slowing down, and software engineers and developers are in constant demand. The numbers speak for themselves –see if any of the trending jobs surprise you.
  • Look: Compare the main mobile app development languages by Priyanka Ketkar for TechTarget. We loved this infographic that breaks down the different applications for programming languages by app type. Be sure to click through to the whole image.
  • Read: 4 ways this tech CEO is increasing workplace diversity by Matthew Glotzbach for MarketWatch. A great opinion piece on how to build in diversity and inclusion from the C-level to the recruiting process to the very culture of your organization.

What are you reading, watching, and listening to? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

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