You may be wondering what type of education and career path you should pursue in the world of software and web development: front-end, back-end, or full-stack? At Hackbright Academy, we teach a full-stack, focusing our curriculum on the versatile programming language Python.
Studying full-stack development can be a great choice for a lot of new programmers, and here’s a few reasons why you should consider making the move to full-stack if you’re thinking about it.
You Can Pursue Front-End or Back-End Career Opportunities

While various positions you hold in the software development field may be specific to back-end or front-end development, knowing full-stack development can help you figure out which positions you like best so you can move in the direction that makes sense for your career goals.
Maybe, you’ll be a full-stack developer for your entire career, or, perhaps, you’ll find a special niche in front-end or back-end jobs that you love. Either way, you’ll have opportunities to do both if you take the time to study full-stack development early on in your career.
You Can Work and Communicate with Full-Stack Developers

One of the benefits of being a full-stack developer or at least understanding full-stack development is that you’ll be able to work and communicate with other full-stack developers, whether they specialize in front-end or back-end development, adding value to your skillset.
If other developers can rely on you to understand their emails, memos, and needs, then the perception that others have of you can be one of value and trust. Not that these things are exclusive to full-stack developers; value and trust can be found in front-end and back-end, too.
You Can Keep Adding to Your Stack as You Continue to Learn

You may find that your career path weighs heavily on the front-end or back-end side of development, and that’s okay. You can always come around to full-stack development by adopting new responsibilities, taking educational courses, or changing roles entirely.
However, if you’re just starting out in the world of development and software engineering, you could be making a great choice in choosing to study full-stack development from the beginning. Only you know what makes the most sense for you, but Hackbright’s here to help if you need.
You Can Start Studying Full-Stack Software Engineering at Hackbright
Interested in becoming a full-stack developer? You can begin your journey at Hackbright Academy, the software engineering school for gender equality. Join like-minded peers for the 5-week Prep course or jump right into an upcoming 12-week Software Engineering course. Not ready to apply? Why not give us a call or send us a text to get started instead?