
TGIF: Stories from bootcamp grads

TGIF! The proverb goes: Experience speaks louder than words. And what better way to get to know about the bootcamp experience? This week we heard from graduates from various programs about their individual journeys through bootcamp and into the tech industry.

Check back at the end of each week for our Friday finds. Here’s what we’re reading – August 24.

The bootcamp experience, firsthand

Transitioning into Tech: the Experience of Two Hackbright Alumnae by Coding Blonde and Webinar: Part-time Coding Bootcamps by Lauren Stewart for Course Report.

Changing your career path is no small feat. Many people go back to school or require additional training in order to make the switch. And deciding on what kind of program will work best for you is just the first step in the process. This week’s reading focused on bootcamp grads – full-time and part-time programs – and what their different processes through coding bootcamp and into tech looked like.

If you’ve been considering the switch, but aren’t sure you can afford to take time off work or want to maintain your income, then a part-time program may be a great option. Course Report – an online resource for bootcamp reviews and information – held a webinar panel with part-time bootcamp grads to get their different perspectives. We loved hearing about their different approaches and successes.

Then, once you’ve graduated from bootcamp, what’s next? Coding Blonde sat down with two Hackbright (!) alumnae to learn about their experiences transitioning into the tech industry. We loved hearing from Frances and Allie about how they’re pursuing their passions.


As we watched the videos and read through these stories, one thing stood out in particular: there’s no right answer or one way to go about the career change. And that’s one of the things we love most about what we do. There’s a different program and a unique path for every person going through the transition into tech. Finding out which path fits you best is part of this challenging and rewarding journey. Good luck!

What are you reading, watching, and listening to? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

Interested in learning to code? Check out our upcoming Prep Course and our immersive 12-week full-time or 24-week part-time Software Engineering Programs

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