
Hackbright Gender Diversity in Engineering Career Fair!! – EMPLOYER SIGN UP

Join our mission to #ChangeTheRatio in tech! Hackbright hosts our Gender Diversity in Engineering Summer Career Fair.

Ready to hire talented software engineers? Looking to diversify your team? Hackbright Academy is a leading engineering school for women and gender-diverse engineers, and since 2012, we have proudly graduated 1,000+ gender-diverse Hackbrighters throughout the country.

Join us in our mission to #ChangeTheRatio in tech and attend our Gender Diversity in Engineering Career Fair to discover best-in-class female and engineering talent and network with Hackbright’s robust alumnae network. This event will be a great opportunity to speak with recent graduates as well as alumni from years past! If you are hiring or planning to hire – this is going to be the event for you!

Hackbrighters bring a diversity of professional accomplishments, academic backgrounds, life experiences, and gender perspectives to their companies. These mature, motivated women and gender-diverse engineers hold an average of 6+ years of professional experience, lending valuable skills to any team they join.

Event Schedule

**​12:00 pm to 2:00 PM PDT

12:00 pm – 12:30 pm Event Welcome & Employer Introduction

12:30 pm – 2:00 pm Career Fair

We can’t wait for you to meet our grads!

Companies – you will register once and be prompted to include the names and email addresses of the other reps who will be in attendance.

Zoom Link will be provided the week of the event !!!

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