
Don’t Make This Silly Mistake When Learning Python

Don’t Make This Silly Mistake When Learning Python

Python is a forgiving programming language that can have your back even when you make mistakes, but that doesn’t mean you should go out of your way to see how many mistakes you can cram into your code before it breaks. To that end, here’s one silly mistake you should avoid when learning Python because, well, it’s silly. It’s a really common mistake, too.

Make Sure Your Names Are Unique

Make Sure Your Names Are Unique

Python wants to be helpful, so it gives you access to a lot of tools, including standard library modules. This is a strength and an asset most of the time since you can import these libraries whenever you need, but it can also be a weakness when you didn’t mean to import anything. How does this happen? It happens when you name your module something that’s already taken by the standard library. So, you can avoid this silly mistake by being unique with your names and by learning the module names in the Python standard library.

Take Your Python Skills to the Next Level

Learning Python is great, but learning Python as part of a journey to becoming a software engineer is even better. Who knows, maybe it’s the best way to learn Python. At Hackbright Academy, our Software Engineering program is centered on Python, which means you can learn a versatile programming language while also learning about software engineering.

Learn more about the Python-centered Software Engineering course.

Recommended Reading

How Hard Is It to Learn Python?

Python vs Java: Which Should I Learn First?

What Companies in the Bay Area Use Python?

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